Facility & Event Bookings

The Township of Perth East has a variety of beautiful, well maintained and accessible indoor and outdoor facilities available for rent. For a list of our spaces and more information please see further details below.


The Perth East Recreation Complex Arena opened in 2003 and includes:

  • 200 ft x 85 ft ice surface
  • Banked seating for 750 persons on one side
  • Six team dressing rooms
  • Two dressing rooms for officials
  • Auditorium and viewing room overlooks the ice surface for 150 persons

Smoking and vaping is not permitted indoors or on the outdoor grounds within 20 metres of the perimeter of the grounds.

View the arena schedule on the website for available ice times and to know what is happening at the Arena! The 2024-2025 ice season runs from the beginning of September to the end of March.

Price as of April 1 2024 - March 31 2025
Prime Rate
(Monday to Friday 4pm to 11pm,
Saturday and Sundays 6am to 11pm)
$188.65 per hour before taxes
Non Prime Rate $110.62 per hour before taxes
Youth Rate
(Youth organizations based out of
the Township of Perth East)
$150.44 per hour before taxes
School Rate
(School groups that are using ice
time as part of PE, team practices/games
or recreation skate)
$76.11 per hour before taxes
Ticket Ice
(1-9 Players)
$21 per hour per person
Arena Floor Rental $703.54 before taxes – Daily Rate
$73.45 before taxes - Sporting Activity
Price as of April 1 2025 to March 31 2026
Prime Rate
(Monday to Friday 4pm to 11pm,
Saturday and Sundays 6am to 11pm)
$194.55 per hour before taxes
Non Prime Rate $114.10 per hour before taxes
Youth Rate
(Youth organizations based out of
the Township of Perth East)
$155.15 per hour before taxes
School Rate
(School groups that are using ice
time as part of PE, team practices/games
or recreation skate)
$78.50 per hour before taxes
Ticket Ice
(1-9 Players)
$21.64 per hour per person
Arena Floor Rental $725.55 before taxes – Daily Rate
$75.75 before taxes - Sporting Activity

The Banquet Hall at the Perth East Recreation Complex is large enough to accommodate wedding receptions and banquets for up to 400 persons, yet can be divided off for smaller more intimate gatherings.

The Perth East Recreation Complex Arena opened in 2003 and includes:

  • An adjoining commercial style kitchen
  • Table settings for 300-350
  • Chair setting for 500
  • Commercial dishwasher
  • Commercial walk-in fridge
  • Utensils, pots, 6 coffee makers, serving carts
  • A separate beverage room and serving window
  • Fully licensed under Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
Price as of April 1 2024 - March 31 2025
Full Banquet Hall Weekend - $687.40 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $274.65 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $39.90 before taxes - Per Hour
Kitchen - Weekday - $130.70 before taxes - Daily Rate
2/3 Banquet Hall Weekend - $481.40 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $175.00 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $33.70 before taxes - Per Hour
Kitchen - Weekday - $130.70 before taxes - Daily Rate
1/3 Banquet Hall Weekend - $206.50 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $126.80 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $26.80 before taxes - Per Hour
Community Kitchen $15.85 before taxes - Per Hour
Extra Cleaning Charge $40.25 before taxes - Per Hour
Price as of April 1 2025 to March 31 2026
Full Banquet Hall Weekend - $708.90 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $283.25 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $41.15 before taxes - Per Hour
Kitchen - Weekday - $134.80 before taxes - Daily Rate
2/3 Banquet Hall Weekend - $496.45 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $180.50 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $34.75 before taxes - Per Hour
Kitchen - Weekday - $134.80 before taxes - Daily Rate
1/3 Banquet Hall (no kitchen access) Weekend - $212.50 before taxes - Daily Rate
Weekday - $130.70 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity - $27.65 before taxes - Per Hour
Community Kitchen $16.35 before taxes - Per Hour
Extra Cleaning Charge $41.50 before taxes - Per Hour

Overlooking the arena, the Auditorium can accommodate groups up to 150 persons for special functions. With a kitchenette and a separate beverage serving area, the room is ideal for meetings or parties. This room is fully licensed under the AGCO.

The installation of sports flooring, complete with shuffle board lines turns this area into an activity or fitness room.

Price as of April 1 2024 to March 31 2025
Full Day $159.29 before taxes - Daily Rate
4 Hours or Less $96.46 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity $26.55 per hour before taxes
Price as of April 1 2025 to March 31 2026
Full Day $164.30 before taxes - Daily Rate
4 Hours or Less $99.50 before taxes - Daily Rate
Sporting Activity $27.40 per hour before taxes

Morningdale Centennial Park is located at 4141 Line 73 near Millbank, and is owned and operated by the Township of Perth East. Morningdale is a large park with open space that has an enclosed pavilion with a small kitchen facility and washrooms.

Smoking and vaping is not permitted indoors or on the outdoor of the Perth East Recreation Complex within 20 metres of the perimeter of the grounds.

Price as of April 1 2024 to March 31 2025 $103.20 before taxes - Daily Rate
Price as of April 1 2025 to March 31 2026 $106.40 before taxes - Daily Rate

Located to the west side of the Perth East Recreation Complex is the PERC pavilion.

The pavilion opened in 2022, and features a large seating area with picnic tables, kitchenette, and public washrooms. The pavilion is open for public use. The washrooms are generally open to the public from April - October.

Smoking and vaping is not permitted indoors or on the outdoor of the Perth East Recreation Complex within 20 metres of the perimeter of the grounds.

Price as of April 1 2024 to March 31 2025 $103.20 before taxes - Daily Rate
Price as of April 1 2025 to March 31 2026 $106.40 before taxes - Daily Rate

The Perth East Recreation Complex Pool is the only outdoor swimming pool in Perth East. Opening in 1995, the pool measures 25 m x 12 m and can hold up to 200 swimmers.

Pool features include:

  • 2 diving boards
  • Water Slide
  • Wheel chair ramp to water
  • Accessible change room facilities
  • Pool depth .92 m to 2.74 m

Smoking and vaping is not permitted indoors or on the outdoor of the Perth East Recreation Complex within 20 metres of the perimeter of the grounds.

Price as of April 1 2025 - March 31 2026
Pool Rental with 1-30 People $133.50 before taxes - Per Hour
Pool Rental with 31-100 People $177.55 before taxes - Per Hour
Pool Rental with 101-200 People $221.61 before taxes - Per Hour

Public Swimming (taxes included)
Preschool ( 4 & under) FREE
Support Persons FREE
Single Entry $5.00
Family $15.00
Passes (taxes included)
10 Pack $45.00
Individual Season Pass $139.22
Family Season Pass $330.02
Aquafit/Lane Season Pass $92.83
Swimming Lessons (taxes included)
30 Minute Group Lesson $86.25/session
45 Minute Group Lesson $93.00/session
1 Hour Group Lesson $98.55/session
Private Lesson $27.40/30 minutes
Semi-Private Lesson $19.80/child/30 minute

Booking Process

Our booking team will strive to respond to your booking within 3 business days. Staff are available Monday-Friday 8:30am-4pm. Please note that any bookings that are received after 4pm on Fridays will not be looked at until Monday morning. Once you have made a booking online, booking staff will contact you with further details. Please do not make payment until your booking has been verified and details worked out with PERC staff.

IF you are looking to book a facility on a weekend for that day, please call the PERC directly at 519-595-8375. You will need to provide insurance once booking staff has processed your event and you will need to show proof.

Access to the facility is granted as per the arrangements made with the Township of Perth East (PERC) Booking staff. The time required for the rental(s) is reflected on the event start time and event end time. The time reflected must include any set up and clean up time. Access to the facility may not permitted prior to the event start time, the facility must be vacated by the end time indicated on the booking.


Insurance Requirements

The rental of Township owned facilities requires that Lessees have insurance liability coverage to protect them and the Township against any financial impact of claims associated with the use of the rental.

As of January 01, 2024 it is mandatory for rental users, groups and individuals to carry liability insurance when renting a Township owned facility, therefore, the Township of Perth East has implemented a Facility Rental Liability Insurance Program.

The Facility Rental Liability Insurance Program provides individuals and/or groups renting a Township of Perth East facility to obtain affordable liability insurance protection. The intention of the insurance coverage is to protect facility users from financial exposure resulting from claims that may result during their activity or event.

The Lessee may obtain the required liability insurance through Duuo by Co-Operators website (duuo.ca) or an insurance provider of their choosing. Insurance must be purchase one (1) week prior to rental date.


Payment can be made by credit card online, or in person at the PERC by cash, debit or cheque.


The Lessee will pay the full balance of the rental fee or any monies due to the Township of Perth East as outlined herein. Block Rentals will be invoiced monthly. One Time Rentals must be paid prior to the rental date. Rental fees are set annually by Council.


  1. The Lessee will pay the full balance of the rental fee or any monies due to the Township of Perth East as outlined herein. Block Rentals will be invoiced monthly. One Time Rentals must be paid prior to the rental date. Rental fees are set annually by Council
  2. Any damages caused to the building or its equipment shall be the financial responsibility of the party renting the facility.

Cancellations & Refunds

Cancellation will be granted at no charge by the Lessee to the Lessor provided 72 hours’ notice is received. A service charge of $25 may be applied to cancelled rentals.

Cancellations caused by storms, flooding, power failure, mechanical failure, Act of God, business interruption or the need to use the facility for an Evacuation / Feeding / Reception / Volunteer Centre, will be considered unavoidable and groups will not be charged for the cancellation of such nature. The Township has the right to withhold renting to any group or individual who has previously abused the Complex and or its equipment