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Township of Tyendinaga Refund and Cancellation Policy
Program Cancellations
* Programs with insufficient enrollment are cancelled with at least five days notification
* Fees for cancelled programs will be fully refunded
Refund Policy
Registered Programs
* A prorated refund is issued for all courses cancelled by the Township of Tyendinaga
* Participants are eligible for a full refund if requested prior to the program start (in person, online or by phone  
* Request for refunds up to 15 days past the start of the program are subject a $20 administration fee
* Multiple refunds will be subject to a $20 administration fee for each program
* No refunds will be processed within 16 days of the program start date (medical exceptions excluded)
* Transfers are subject to Township approval within 15 days of the program start date
Drop in admissions
* Refunds will be issued in full if the refund is requested earlier than 24 hours prior to the start of the program
* Refunds will not be accepted within 24 hours of the start of the program
Account Credits
* Credits purchased on account will not expire and will continue to be honored