Cancellation Policy


Full 100% refund shall be issued when the rental is cancelled prior to a minimum of 30 days of event, 50% of refund shall be issued when rental is cancelled within 15-29 days of event, no refund shall be issued when rental is cancelled 14 days or less prior to the event. Full 100% of damage deposit will be refunded if event is cancelled prior to the scheduled date.


  1. The Arena may cancel ice time at any time in the event of Tournaments and Special Events. For other cancellation situations, the Arena management, whenever possible, will notify the representative 48 hours prior to the said cancelled ice time. A scheduled list of such special events will be furnished to the lessee in advance.
  2. If the representative wishes to cancel ice time on any particular day, the representative shall give 48 hours notice, by contacting the Arena Management (905-899-3463, EXT 203), or emailing at the Arena office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If the required notice is not given, the representative shall be responsible for payment of said ice time.
  3. Any cancellations caused by storms and flooding, power failure, Act of God or business interruption caused by mechanical failure of the Arena’s facilities will be considered unavoidable and the representative will not be charged for cancellations of that nature

Qualified refunds will either be refunded to same the method of payment or applied to your "Client Wallet" upon request.