Notice: To make payment on an invoice online with a credit card,
  1. Go to "My Account"
  2. Click the blue "Account" box. You will see your invoice(s) listed below
  3. Use the gear icon function drop down menu to find the option to "Pay"

Frequently Asked Questions

Using the Univerus Rec Public Access Website

Facility Bookings (if enabled)

Course Registration (if enabled)

Purchase Memberships (if enabled)

Using the Univerus Rec Public Access Website

What can I do Online?

You can use the Univerus Rec system to view or request a facility booking, register for courses, purchase memberships and pay online using a credit card. You can update your account information including family members, view past invoices or a history of your facility bookings, course registrations and memberships, view facility calendars, course calendars or your own Personal calendar (must be logged on) or view additional information about the services we provide. *Available features may vary.

I am a new customer. What do I need to do?

To use Univerus Rec you must have an active "Client Account". If you are a first time user that has never made a purchase in the past you can create a new account online here.

How do I add family members to my account?

Choose the "Create Family Member Account" option when first creating your account. Add the Billing Client and then proceed to add each of your family members during the account creation process. You can also add or update assigned Family Members at any time by logging on to your account and clicking on the Family Members Tab.

I forgot my Univerus Rec Account information.

If you have made a "walk up" facility, course or membership purchase in the past and have provided us with your full contact information including an email address or created a client account online and can't remember your logon information you can look up your existing account: here


If you have made a "walk up" facility, course or membership purchase in the past but you are not able to logon or lookup your account please contact us for assistance. * Please Note: it is important that you do not create a duplicate account so we can ensure all of your history and billing is contained within a single user account. If you proceed and have duplicate client accounts you will need to contact us to merge your client accounts.

What web browser can I use with the system?

Univerus Rec works equally well with recent versions of all modern web browser such as Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Safari (for Mac users). As Univerus Rec uses a SGC (Server Gated Cryptography) SSL certificate to encrypt transaction information NOT browser based encryption you can be confident that all transactions are processed using 256 bit strength encryption regardless of your web browser encryption capabilities.

Is this site secured?

Yes, we have taken many steps to ensure the security of your transaction and personal information. Security is provided using the highest encryption strength available. Once you log in, you should notice an icon that resembles a locked padlock in your browser, showing that all data is being encrypted. Double click on the locked padlock to view further information about the digital certificate.

What if I don't have or, don't want to use a credit card?

You can use this website to identify the courses or memberships you wish to purchase and call us to complete the purchase.

How can I check my client wallet balance and transaction history?

Login to your account and select My Account, then Client Wallet to view your current balance and all previous transactional history linked to your account.

I have a credit in my client wallet, how can I apply this amount towards my purchase?

If your Site Administrator has enabled public users to utilize their wallet credits online, you will have the option to use your credit when purchasing a course registration or membership. You will either see your wallet credit available and select to apply it to your purchase, or the credit amount will automatically be deducted from your balance due at time of checkout. The use of applying your wallet credit is currently unavailable for facility rental purchases or paying for registration and membership invoices that were created by a staff member at an earlier time.

I am unable to login.

You stopped using Univerus Rec for a period of twenty (60) minutes or longer. Please "refresh" your system and log back in.


You added a course or membership to your "Shopping Cart" and you did not "Checkout" to complete the transaction, then stopped using the system for a twenty (20) minute period or longer. Please "refresh" your system and log back in.


Your account may have been frozen by us. Please contact us for assistance.

Facility Bookings (if enabled)

How do I view facility availability?

Click on "Facilities" in the menu at the top of the screen and follow the "View Facility Availability Only" instructions provided.

How do I make a facility booking request?

To make a facility booking request first logon to your account. Next, click on "Facilities" in the menu at the top of the screen and follow the "Make Facility Booking Request Now" instructions provided.

How do I cancel a facility booking?

To cancel a facility booking or facility booking request please contact us for assistance.

How do I view a facility events calendar?

You can view a "Public Facility Events Calendar" by clicking on "Calendars" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "Facility Calendar" link. To view your own personal facility bookings calendar logon to your account, click on "Calendars" in the menu at the top of the screen and then click the "Personal Calendar" link. You can also view your facility bookings information by viewing your facility booking receipts by logging on to your account, clicking on "My Account" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "History" tab and selecting the "Facility Bookings" radio button option.

Course Registration (if enabled)

How do I register for a Course?

  1. Click on "Courses" in the menu at the top of the screen.
  2. Select a "Season" you wish to view offered courses.
  3. Optionally you may click the "Available Courses Only" checkbox to only view courses that you can immediately enroll into online.
  4. Click on a "Course Subcategory" within the "Course Category" Tree to view offered courses..
  5. Click on the "View Details" button to view course details..
  6. Click the "Register Now" button to enroll in the course. If your account has family members added the "Participant Selection" screen will be displayed (otherwise the "Shopping Cart" screen is displayed). Select the participant name(s) from your account that you wish to enroll into the selected course and click the "Continue" button. If a "Register Now" button is not clickable; this course is not currently available for internet registration or you have already added this course to your "Shopping Cart" or you (and all your family members) are already registered in this course..
  7. To register for additional courses, click on "Keep Shopping" button from the "Shopping Cart" screen or click the "Process Payment" button to proceed to the "Process Payment" screen to complete your registration purchase. You may have to agree to "Terms of Service" documents before proceeding to payment..
  8. Once you have successfully completed the payment transaction a receipt will be displayed with complete details about the course registrations you have made and a confirmation email will be sent to you..

How do I withdraw from a Course?

To withdraw from a Courses please contact us for assistance. Please refer to our Refund Policy.

How do I get added to a course waitlist?

To be added to a course waitlist please contact us for assistance..

How do I view my course session times?

You can view all course session times by clicking on "Calendars" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "Course Calendar" link. To view your own personal course session times click on "Calendars" in the menu at the top of the screen and then click the "Personal Calendar" link. You can also view your course session times by viewing your enrollment receipt by logging on to your account, clicking on "My Account" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "History" tab and selecting the "Courses" radio button option.

Purchase Memberships (if enabled)

How do I purchase a membership?

  1. Click on "Memberships" in the menu at the top of the screen.
  2. Optionally you may click the "Available Memberships Only" checkbox to only view memberships that you can immediately purchase online (or walkup).
  3. Click on a "Membership Subcategory" within the "Membership Category" tree to view offered memberships.
  4. Click on the "View Details" button to view membership details.
  5. Click the "Purchase Now" button to continue. If the selected membership offers Individual or Family plans and your account has family members configured you will be asked to select a plan type. If you select an Individual plan and your account has family members configured the Participant Selection Screen will be displayed for you to select which family members you wish to purchase an Individual membership for. Select the participant name(s) from your account that you wish to purchase the selected membership.
  6. Click the "Continue" button to add the membership to your "Shopping Cart".
  7. If you have selected a Family plan membership, select the checkboxes of the family members who will be using the membership and the click the "Update" button to recalculate the price. Click the "Keep Shopping" button from the "Shopping Cart" screen or click the "Process Payment" button to proceed to the "Process Payment" screen to complete your membership purchase. You may have to agree to "Terms of Service" documents before proceeding to payment.
  8. Once you have successfully completed the payment transaction a receipt will be displayed with complete details about the Membership purchases you have made.
  9. You can view your membership history by logging on to your account, clicking on "My Account" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "History" tab and selecting the "Memberships" radio button option. If you have configured a payment plan for a recurring membership charge eg. Monthly payments, you can view your membership payment plan status by logging on to your account, clicking on "My Account" in the menu at the top of the screen and then clicking on the "Account" tab and selecting the "Payment Plan" radio button option.

How do I cancel a membership?

To cancel a membership please contact us for assistance. Please refer to our Refund Policy.