Notice: To make payment on an invoice online with a credit card,
  1. Go to "My Account"
  2. Click the blue "Account" box. You will see your invoice(s) listed below
  3. Use the gear icon function drop down menu to find the option to "Pay"
Step 1. Create Billing Contact
Step 2. Activate Account
Step 3. Account Activated

Contact Information       Note: Red text indicates required fields.
Billing First Name:
Billing Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Postal/Zip Code: 
Phone 1: 
Phone 2: 
Alternate Email:
Client #: 
Account Information
* We suggest your email address (Min Characters: 5)
Re-Type Password:  

Password Strength

Note: For the best Password Strength rating include:
  • Uppercase and lowercase characters
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • Eight or more characters
Extra Information
Guardian 1 Name:
Guardian 1 Phone:
Guardian 2 Name:
Guardian 2 Phone:
Emerg. Contact:
Emerg. #:
Medical Information
List any medication presently taken:

Do you have any of the following conditions or requirements?:
Allergies:  YesNoOther Medical Conditions:  YesNo

Please explain:  

Please list any other ailments that the staff should be aware:
Security Check

Captcha Verification  
