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Professional Development - Virtual Delivery
ECE - Women in Leadership (Virtual) - CT2023ELE300X01
Being a woman in leadership is complicated. The gender gap is not even close to being closed, and the racial gap is even further behind.

How can women in leadership succeed? How can all women in leadership succeed? What are the sacrifices to being a woman in leadership? What are the benefits of being a woman in leadership? How can women in leadership utilize their position to improve their professional opportunities while also holding the door open for other women?

This course will help you feel empowered in any workplace scenario by utilizing pragmatic solutions to the challenges in all professional landscapes. Learn how to negotiate strategically, have clear workplace boundaries, collaborate and work with challenging individuals effectively and feel a true sense of satisfaction, confidence and pride in the work you lead, produce and oversee.

This course will discuss the complexities of being an equity-deserving individual in a position of power. We will unpack calling out and correcting inequities within the workplace, leading and mentoring other equity-deserving individuals within the company and learning to manage and respond to micro-aggressions, biases and workplace discrimination.

We will work to understand the systemic roadblocks to gender equity within organizations. This course will be an intersectional assessment of women’s experiences in leadership, what we can learn from one another and how we can all excel together.

Registration Dates
Online:Sat  Apr 1, 2023  12:00AM - Tue  Jun 6, 2023  12:00AM
General:Sat  Apr 1, 2023  12:00AM - Tue  Jun 6, 2023  12:00AM
Course Type:Open to All Adults
Location: Virtual Delivery
Instructor:None Assigned
Status: Registration Closed
Flex Registration:No  
Date: Fri  Jun 16, 2023
Registration Fee
Sessions: 1
1Fri  Jun 16, 202309:00AM - 04:00PM
Location: Virtual Delivery
Information and Requirements
Learning Outcomes: ➢ Intersectionality? What is it, and how does it affect you within the workplace? ○ Intersectionality negatively impacts women in the workplace. By understanding the impacts of intersectionality, you will improve your professional career, and your team and organization's success. ➢ Workplace biases? Understanding, acknowledging, educating and addressing them. ○ How does it impact how others assess you, how you assess others and how you asses yourself. ➢ Understand your positionality within the organization and how to use it to stand out and rise up. ○ Learn how you are pivotal in improving the working landscape for yourself and other women. Understand your role and how to lead through empowerment. ○ Creating safe spaces for yourself and other women. ➢ Understanding what work/life balance means and determining what will work best for you. ○ Learn how to work smarter and tune out unnecessary (and unhealthy) workplace cultural expectations. ○ Learn how to negotiate strategically and for what is of most value to you. ➢ Understanding the whole picture and recognizing all the work. ○ Talking, dissecting and learning from one another about all the unpaid, emotional work women still do within the household and how to navigate this challenging situation. ➢ Creating your own signature line. ○ Determining your leadership style, most effective working plan and learning to control the direction of your career.
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